The Success Catalyst

Up Your Game & Bring Out Your Best

How To Make This Your Best Year Ever

The straight-talking Queen of Vulnerability, Brene Brown, refers to the predictable pattern of New Year’s Resolutions and it goes like this:

January 1 – This resolution is going to be awesome!
January 5 – I’m awesome.
January 10 – This sucks.
January 20 – I suck.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

For most of us, the new year is about a renewed sense of hope – this is the year we’re going to have more of what we want and less of what we don’t want.

More courage/less fear. More genuine connection/less worry. More joy/less stress and overwhelm.

But unless we’re willing to do something different it’s all just wishful thinking.

Wanting something badly enough isn’t enough. It takes doing something you haven’t done if you want to get something you haven’t got.

F the Fear and Make it a Great Year, my new home-study audio program – one hour, each day, for 5 days – is designed to radically shift how you plan and live out your year.

Don’t let another year go by where you’re looking back and you haven’t had the year you’d hoped for. It’s not fair to you, and it’s not how you were meant to live.

In my audio course, F the Fear and Make it a Great Year, I have included all the most tried and true methods to set yourself up for success. I take you through a whole process – from clarifying what you want, to what gets in the way, to setting meaningful goals, and then creating structures of accountability to keep them alive.

AND, we have a ‘F The Fear And Make It A Great Year’ closed Facebook group for anyone who is doing the audio course. When you register, you will have complete access to a supportive group who are also F’ing the fear and committed to making this their best year.

From a few of those doing the course:

“It was fantastic. This course is a great way to reflect on the past, come to terms with the little voices in your head that are holding you back, and make the path forward crystal clear. No matter when you do it, it will give you the energy and excitement of a fresh start.”

“I’m three modules in and it’s going really well. Thanks for the program. It rocks.”

“I just finished the course! Thank you so much Dani for being such a great guide – fun, smart, enthusiastic as hell, profoundly practical and playful. Thank you for helping me to find my way back…. to myself and my life. I can’t tell you how much this means to me. So I’ll just say THANK YOU again so much from my heart.”

“Whoa, I am crushing it this month!” The month has just begun, and I’ve already made a lot of progress on the goals that I set for myself. One thing that I think is really helping is that I am setting goals that are actually things that I want to do, rather than things I feel obligated to do. This is great!”

“Another HUGE project off my list. It feels so friggin’ good when I stop procrastinating!”

“I just finished with module three and it’s fantastic!! I had heard you were the best, but now I know firsthand. I already have so much more clarity and I’m thoroughly inspired like never before. Thank you, Dani Rukin!”

Register now to start the course and JOIN US on Facebook – a place to come with your progress, your questions, your challenges and accountability needs, and your WINS! I am there checking in regularly and participating – see you there!

Join me in helping you make 2016 your best year ever.

Get focused. Get inspired. Get Going!



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